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..who did what


Brainstorming, sketching and developing the whole project: Marco Zamarato with Margherita Urbani.

Graphics: Margherita Urbani.

Prototype’s problem solving: Marco Zamarato with Margherita Urbani.

Coding: Marco Zamarato.

Floor prototype: Margherita Urbani with Pamela Moscarda.

Hacking (sensors and circuits): Marco Zamarato with Margherita Urbani.

Keynotes: Marco Zamarato with Margherita Urbani.

Thanks to:

Francesco Fraioli who helped us with the installation soundscape..

Randomclapping team..

Durrell Bishop and Davide Rocchesso who helped with the code..

Filippo Mastinu and Matteo Torcinovich who helped us building the floor..

Stefano Graziani who offered his photolab..

> Watch the video of the prototype on youtube.

> Back to aequilibrium.