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The Sketch a tune project wants to encourage contacts within a radio community and, in order to do it, they have a common but untraditional space where there is the possibility of listening to the radio programme and doing something more at the same time.
Just because this is the point:
How do we listen to music?
What we do during a radio programme?
Where are all the listeners’ emotions going?
How can we avoid the awful and anonymous list of podcast data in our computer folders?
Is there still someone who believes in the role of the DJ as a filter of our listenings?
So thanks to Sketch a tune each radio lover can manage an imaginative world full of feelings, a dynamic environment driven by fantasy, a digital space that allows different interactions: to play with words as well as images and shapes, and mix them with music and movements.
The final landscape is a kind of snapshot that changes each time someone encloses a new “emotive tag” in it, like a kind of live media performance to be “looked” at!
Sketch a tune is a gentle forecast data (different from scrobbling) useful to the DJ in order to get some feedback.
It is not a simply a music aggregator because here the multiplicity coming from music becomes a singularity in connection with each radio lover!

When the strong imaginative power of the radio is able to generate a composition of senses.
Soundtrack for everyday.
Emotive sharing.
Dynamic, instable, floating and eclectic world.

The wish to build the Sketch a tune project comes from my personal experience with the radio and in particular with the radio programme Eclettica (listen from the radio below!). Somehow it was so nice to understand how in a certain way a media becomes able to shape our behaviour and stimulate the imagination!

On the other side, as Chris Bowley says in his blog:

Consuming media on-demand is becoming more prevalent and expectations are rising. Podcasts are not simply recorded radio programmes, they are a new form of content. With the volume of content available to us and information discovered through search rather than browsing, segments of programmes become more valuable but harder to find. Collecting and presenting information about programmes is vital in order for the information they hold to be more visible.



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