Marina Andrade Câmara (project: STORMRAISER) I came from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. After taking a year of Information Science at the Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais, I took up Communication Science there and graduated in June 2005. In October 2005 I won a scholarship at the University of Siena, finishing my first level Masters in Interaction Design a year later. In September 2006 I started the Visual and Multimedia Communication graduate programme at IUAV University.
Enrico Ausiello (project: KALMA) I was born in Torre del Greco in 1983. I studied Industrial Design at Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli at Marcianise, where I attended the first level degree with a thesis called “bho”, based on Toy design, made with Professor Alessandra Cirafici. In 2006 – with Elvira del Monaco, Roberto Ciarambino, Diego Liotta and Tiziano Manna – I was published In Progetto Grafico 9, and In Enotria 2007, a book about wine. I sing in three bands (Funky Pushertz, Torreggae and SUB all no starz) and my dream is to design cartoons.
Laura Bordin (1984) (project: BLOOM) took her Diploma at the Liceo Scientifico Sperimentale (Experimental Science High School) in 2003. In 2006 she graduated in Visual and Performing Arts at IUAV University of Venice, where her a thesis was Tim Stark and David Mamet: Riflessioni sulla recitazione [Reflections on Acting]. In 2007 she also took four Visual Communcation courses in the Industrial Design programme. She is now attending IUAV’s graduate programme in Visual and Multimedia Communication. Her main current interests are events organization and associated graphics, and in 2007 she co-organized Teach Me 4, Venice’s Festival of Visual Communication. Contact: laurabordin[at]gmail[dot]com
Lorenzo Cercelletta (project: RAINBEAM) Born in Italy in 1984, he enrolled in Industrial Design BA at La Sapienza University of Rome, spending the last trimester in Lahti Polytechnic, Finland, as an Erasmus student. Returning to Italy, he undertook a training period in Picchio Spa to realize an experimental video-thesis, ‘Bios’, supervised by the video artist Fabio Massimo Iaquone. He finally graduated with a Distinction and Specialization in Visual and Multimedia Communication. He then enrolled at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, London, winning a Postgraduate Bursary and getting his MA in Interactive Digital Media with a Distinction (IDM MA). He is presently attending the Visual and Multimedia Communication graduate programme at IUAV University of Venice.
Davide Cocchi (project: RAINBEAM) Born in 1983 in Terracina, a town between Rome and Naples, he studied Industrial Design in Rome, where his thesis was in Interactive Flash 3D. He is now studying Interaction Design on the Visual and Multimedia Communications graduate programme at IUAV University of Venice. He has worked on the organization of the Teach Me 4 (festival of communication at IUAV) and was an intern at H-umus, near Treviso, a company in the H-FARM technological innovation group.
Andrea Collet (project: DREAMSTOP) I was born in Conegliano, Treviso, in 1982. After two years of studies in Civil Engineering at the University of Udine, in 2003 I started Industrial Design at IUAV in Treviso, where in 2006 I got a degree with the project Morpheus - helps you sleep. In 2005 I worked for the Design Associati studio in Mogliano Veneto near Venice as a graphic designer. I spend most of the time with my PC, doing graphics editing and illustration. I like to discover new applications and learn to code. I used to make audiovisuals with AVS (examples here), but am now moving to web-oriented programming environments. I am also fascinated by printing crafts and serigraphy. Email: collet_DOT_andrea_AT_gmail_DOT_com
Benito Condemi de Felice (project: BLOOM) I was born in Locri, Calabria, in 1983. I studied Industrial Design in La Sapienza University, Rome, where my thesis was Cultural Assets and New Technologies. From September to December 2007, I was an intern at H-umus, the interaction design company located near Treviso, and I have collaborated with BigRock, the graphic art and 3D graphics company. Interests: graphic, interaction, Web and 3D video design. Contact: bcondemi[at]yahoo[dot]it, bedesign[at]webenito[dot]net
Giuseppe Cosmai (project: PASSAGE OF TIME) Born in Bari, 30/05/1982, lived in Venezia since 2001. Studies: first-level degree in Industrial Design at IUAV University of Venice, 2004, then had an excursus in the Architecture Sciences course in the same Academy until 2006 where he now follows the masters-level Interaction Design programme. Work experience: internship at Visual Comunicazione, Venezia, 2003; consumer consultant at Vodafone Italia, Padova, 2006; currently freelances in web development, audio/video management and interaction design projects. web-portrait:; e-mail: c0ke_AT_extractum_DOT_net
Francesca Cremonese (project: PASSAGE OF TIME) Born in 1984 in Treviso, Italy, I have lived in Treviso, Venice, Milan. I studied Industrial Design at IUAV in Treviso with a thesis project was about exhibit design for a new kind of jewellery (steel jewels). I did an internship of six months in visual design in a company in Treviso, where I was involved in graphic design, web design, simple flash animations and in organizing photographic shoots for company comunications. I have experience in graphic design, web design and photography. I work as a free lance and my dream is to work in an interaction design company. e-mail: francesca_DOT_cremonese_AT_gmail_DOT_com.
Claudia De Angelis (project: KALMA) was born in Civitavecchia (Rome), on August 5 1982. She studied Industrial Design at La Sapienza University of Rome.During this period she undertook a two months stage at Picchio Spa, a factory that produces car prototypes. The year after, she returned to do her thesis: an interactive advertisement in response to the Chairman’s request for a new advertising strategy.
Luca De Rosso (project: MUBU)I was born in Valdobbiadene in 1984. My first studies were in Electronics and Telecommuncations Technologies. I then moved to Milan where I took an Industrial Design degree at the Politecnico. In 2007 I attended the todo’s Touchdown workshop led by Giorgio Oliviero and Yaniv Steiner at the Electrowave festival in Florence. Interests: music, electronics, skateboarding, photography, electronic performances. My website >>>
Alice Lucchin (project: STORMRAISER) 24 years old, I live in a small town near Rovigo in the Italian countryside. In 2006 I gained an Industrial Design degree at IUAV University in Treviso. I did a three-month internship at CISCRA, a company that designs corporate identities. In a workshop on graphic design my project for new labels for Nardini grappa bottles won first place. I’m interested in photography, video-making, graphic design and interaction design.
Martina Pagura (project: STORMRAISER) was born in 1983 near Pordenone. She gained a degree in Product Design at the Politecnico di Torino in July 2006; in 2004-2005, as part of her degree, she studied at Strate Collège in Paris on a six-month international exchange. She is now studying on the Product Design graduate programme at IUAV University of Venice. In 2005 she did an internship at Fausto Boscariol Design (car and furniture design). She is fascinated by electrical object and complex gears, likes to work with her hands, and is always seeking something new to learn. She is interested in product, interaction and graphic design, and in photography and 3-D.
Nicola Plaisant (project: BLOOM) I live in Mestre, in the mainland of Venice. I gained an Industrial Design degree at IUAV University of Venice. In summer 2007 I attended the Index summer camp at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design. Interests: drawing, painting, videogames, photography, sustainable design, interaction design and multimedia design. Please look at my website and youtube page.
Ivan Provenzale (project: MUBU) Born in Siena in 1982. Lived and studied in Siena, Malta, Rome. Graduated at the University of Siena in communication technologies (BA in Communication Sciences) in 2005. Thesis with Professor A.Rizzo on “The redesign of the experimental flight instrument ‘Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI)”. Internship in winter 2004 at the DeepBlue consultancy in the Human Factors team of the Mediterranean Free Flight project led by E.N.A.V. (Italian Air Traffic Control agency). First level Masters at University of Siena in Environmental Communication Design in 2006. Participated in the Siena Design Project 2006. Interests: cyberculture, public transport systems.
Gabriele Rivoli (project: KALMA) was born in Naples in 1982. He enrolled in the Industrial Design programme at the SUN University of Architecture in Aversa. His thesis, on the representation techniques and commercials for mobile phones and the production of a commercial for the mobile phone Neonode N1, was supervised by Professors A. Cirafici and F. Castanò. He is now attending the Visual and Multimedia graduate programme at IUAV University of Venice.
Maria Chiara Toncich (project: DREAMSTOP) was born in Italy 1982. She moved to Venice to study Painting and New Art Technologies at its Accademia di Belle Arti. She developed her thesis idea, Wahrnehmungen-Percezioni of a interactive installation, as an Erasmus student at the UDK in Berlin. Over 2000-2006 she exhibited her paintings in Trieste, Venice and Berlin.
e-mail: chiaratoncich_AT_gmail_DOT_com. web site:
Taddeo (Teddy) Zacchini (project: RAINBEAM) Thanks to experience working for companies and graphic agencies, and to my studies at ISIA in Urbino and now at IUAV University of Venice, I have acquired the knowledge to be able to realize a complete graphical system. For several years the Internet has allowed me to renew my graphical knowledge, allowing me to reach new solutions that could fit the request of every user who navigates in the wonderful universe of the Web. My passion for photography leads me to realize photos not just as a job but for a real emotive involvement and fascination for this incredible form of art. Look at my portfolio >>
Monica Zambolin (project: PASSAGE OF TIME) 06/11/1982. I live in Vicenza and I study Visual and Multimedia Communication a graduate programme at IUAV University of Venice. In 2006, I took my first degree in Architecture at the same University (IUAV). During my free time, I work for UIC (Unione Italiana Ciechi) as a transcriber. In 2006, I worked for + Studi, Vicenza, as an architect/designer. My internship was at the Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana, a public library in Vicenza. I was admitted to the classification of Istruttori Aiutobibliotecari in a public competition. e-mail: zambolin_DOT_monica_AT_alice_DOT_it.
web site: