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6. Early experiments

Exploring Venice was the starting point of our project research: in San Francesco della Vigna we found the place able to give us a suggestive feeling and an interesting chance for develop an, in a sense, spiritual interactive installation, Auditum.

Once we had the location, we started defining the interaction and  trying some experiments that let us understand the charming possibilities that a physical computing project has. During the design development phase, Auditum was basically founded on the sound experience (look at interaction experiments). Later, in the detailed design stage, we thought that light would give a stronger aura to our interactive experience: we came out with some light experiments to test which kind of light could be best for Auditum. We focused, also, on how to solve the problem of  the spreading of the incense. The smell has been a precious but difficult aspect of our project and, after different hypothetical solutions, we thought that an incense vaporizer would be the optimal one. Giving a sense of what happened in the past in San Francesco della Vigna, rather than a direct information, was an issue faced in parallel to the experiments on how to give  that information in an equivalent physical and suggestive way (look at technical experiments).

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