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Every member of Piao participated actively on the project. At the beginning of the graphic stage each member presented a concept. We combined the best aspects of each and developed the final graphic approach. Each member was in charge of a specific part of the prototype. We did three different parts of logic and function of the code. We thank Alberto Moro, Bianca Cheng Costanza and Steffen Klaue, who helped us a lot.

Lei Chen She did the art direction, the main layout, and all the graphic elements. She was in charge of a specific part of the prototype, did the part of the “receive” message and “get information”. She acted in the live action parts of the videos. She also ordered and assembled the presentation.

Huimin Liu During the period of the prototype she created the background of the main menu and part of the “send” message. She directed and edited the final demonstrative video. She also ordered and assembled the presentation.

Bin Wang He was in charge of a specific part of the prototype, did the part of the “find” message and part of the “send” message. He acted in and filmed the live action parts of the videos. He also ordered the presentation and completed the final flowchart.

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