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Core courses

This page describes the core courses of the Interaction Design programme at IUAV University of Venice.


IUAV's Interaction Design programme has four core courses, most given in English: two Theory (lecture/seminar) courses, and two Lab (design studio) courses. The whole programme is mainly for those seeking employment in the interaction design field, but Lab 1 and the Theory courses are also suitable for those with a general interest in this discipline.

The Theory courses aim to develop the ability to think critically and design skilfully. The Labs also aim to develop, for each student, a portfolio of design work suitable for a career in interaction design.


The content of each of course is:

Interaction Design Theory 1 (Teoria dell’interazione, Gillian Crampton Smith, trimester 1). introduces key concepts and techniques of interaction design. Focus is on the implications for design practice.

Interaction Design Lab 1 (Laboratorio di comunicazione 3, Gillian Crampton Smith, trimester 1). Introduces students to the techniques of innovating and designing interactive products and services, combining an understanding of the underlying technology with an attention to the cultural and aesthetic qualities necessary to make systems that are satisfying and enjoyable. They learn Processing, the visual programming language, and design and make a working prototype of an interactive, screen-based service for a mobile phone or similar device. The course results in portfolio work which demonstrate these skills.

Interaction Design Theory 2 (Tecnologie Digitali, Davide Rocchesso, trimester 2). Introduces key concepts and techniques of computing and electronics. Focus is on the implications for design practice.

Interaction Design Lab 2 (Laboratorio di comunicazione 4, Philip Tabor, trimester 2). Allows students to extend the skills learnt in Interaction Design Lab 1 (Laboratorio di comunicazione visuale e cinetica) in innovating and designing interactive products and services, and to produce portfolio work which shows those skills. They learn the elements of ‘physical computing’, especially the interaction of sensors and actuators outside the computer, and design and make a working prototype of an interactive environmental installation or device.

More about course resources


Interaction design is an international discipline and culture. So the core courses are conducted in English, and students should have a reasonable ability to understand, write and speak English during classes. But the written part of each course’s final exam assignment may be in English (reasonably correct and comprehensible, but not necessarily perfect) or Italian, or both languages.

For the Theory 1 course there are no prerequisites apart from English-language ability. For example, no computer programming experience is required.

The Labs are designed as cumulative learning sequence, and are supported by the Theory courses. So:

• To register on Interaction Design Lab 1, the prerequisite is: current or previous registration on Interaction Design Theory 1. No computer programming experience is required

• To register on Interaction Design Lab 2, the prerequisites are:
1) previous registration on Interaction Design Theory 1 and Interaction Design Lab 1; and
2) previous or current registration on Interaction Design Theory 2;

• To register on Interaction Design Theory 2, the prerequisites are:
either previous registration on Interaction Design Lab 1; or
some previous programming experience

Students who wish to follow a professional career in interaction design, are strongly advised to repeat the laboratories (the projects set change each year) in order to finish with a strong portfolio.


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