Interaction Design programme at IUAV
This page describes the Interaction Design programme of the Design Graduate Degree at IUAV University of Venice.
The Interaction Design programme aims to develop, for each of its students, a portfolio of knowledge, skills and design work suitable for a career in the new field of interaction design. It is run by Gillian Crampton Smith and Philip Tabor, who are happy to advise prospective and current students on their academic and professional careers.
The programme, which is part of the Visual and Multimedia Communication track, comprises:
• Four core courses: two Theory lecture/seminar courses and two Studios (design studio courses). It is recommended that each Studio is repeated: that is, taken in Year 1 and repeated in Year 2. (Students with product design experience may also take interaction design studio courses provided by the Product Design track in Year 2).
• Three recommended optional courses
• A thesis (prova finale, tesi di laurea) on a topic related to interaction design.
It is not obligatory to take all components of this programme, or to repeat the studios. Not to do this, however, reduces a student’s opportunity to accumulate the knowledge, skills and design portfolio needed to find interesting and rewarding employment in the interaction design field.
The core courses, all conducted in English, are:
• Interaction Design Theory 1 (Teorie dell'interazione, Gillian Crampton Smith, semester 1)
• Interaction Design Lab 1 (Laboratorio di interaction design 1, Gillian Crampton Smith, semester 1)
• Interaction Design Theory 2 (Tecnologie Digitali, Davide Rocchesso, semester 2)
• Interaction Design Lab 2 (Laboratorio di interaction design 2, Philip Tabor, semester 2).
These, all related to interaction design, and conducted in Italian, are:
• Sistemi di elaborazione dell'informazione (Davide Riboli, semester 1)
• Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi (Carlo Grassi, semester 1)
• Psicologie dei processi cognitivi (Vittorio Girotto, semester 2)
The Interaction Design thesis on is typically a design of a device, service or system – demonstrated at the exam in projected and/or material form, and accompanied by an illustrated report. The report describes and justifies the design and is written in Italian or in English). The final presentation and discussion is in Italian.
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In this section
Photo: Yaniv Steiner. Yaniv's 'Homebrew Wii' workshop, Lab 2, 2007.