Exam method
This page describes the exam method of the core courses of the Interaction Design programme at IUAV University of Venice.
The required exam output for the Interaction Design Theory 1 course is a bound booklet (and a digital PDF of it), by each student, on one of a specified choice of topics related to the course. Theory 2 is examined either by written exam or by project. The required exam output of each Lab is a design project (and ancillary documentation) posted on the Lab’s blog.
Where a Lab’s exam project is a collaboration by a team of students, the final exam output must comprise an element of work done jointly and, clearly distinguished from this and from each other, a substantial piece of work by each individual. In order to gain the same mark, a team’s achievement must proportionately exceed the achievement of someone working alone.
For each course there are four possible deadlines at which exam work may be handed in – or, if the student has not accepted a previous mark (voto), handed in again: two in the vacation following the course, and two in the following September. Each submission deadline is followed, a few days later, by its oral exam (appello). Students are strongly recommended to hand in for the first exam.
After hand-in, the course teacher calibrates the work using the normal scale of the Italian universities:(http://cimea.it/maclaude.aspx)
29–30 Excellent
26–28 Very good
23–25 Good
19–22 Satisfactory
18 Sufficient
0-17 Fail.
Very rarely, a 30 mark may be given cum laude (con lode). But in a normal class the marks will be distributed in a ‘bell curve’ centred around 24 (Good).
Insufficient identification of sources may result in failure.
More about identifying sources
If the teacher has already given the mark, the oral exam is a brief discussion. The teacher sees each student individually, gives them a paper showing their mark and a brief written comment, and signs their academic 'passport’ (libretto universitario) and exam record form.
On this page
In this section
Photo: Claudia Zanon